Stefan Van Aelst
Author of 8 CRAN packages
Stefan Van Aelst has worked on 8 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Stefan Van Aelst is on a mission. Stefan Van Aelst and 5 others—Anthony Christidis, Ruben Zamar, Yixin Wang, Holger Cevallos Valdiviezo and Tom Reynkens—teamed up to tackle the challenge. A party of six, ready to conquer the code!
8 Packages
- CPGLIBCompeting Proximal Gradients Library
- PSGDProjected Subset Gradient Descent
- SplitGLMSplit Generalized Linear Models
- ltsspcaSparse Principal Component Based on Least Trimmed Squares
- nnGarroteNon-Negative Garrote Estimation with Penalized Initial Estimators
- simTargetCovData Transformation or Simulation with Empirical Covariance Matrix
- splitSelectBest Split Selection Modeling for Low-Dimensional Data
- stepSplitRegStepwise Split Regularized Regression